Whatever issues I have found have been totally unrelated to FAT32 (well
today, I found an installer that wouldn't install to a FAT32 partition, but
that was a rare find); most issues I have are of the Freecom variety I have
to LOADFIX way too many programs, but .082 fixes that for my most stubborn
vintage programs.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 8:15 PM, John Hupp <free...@prpcompany.com> wrote:

> I haven't looked at this question for a long time so it probably bears
> asking again.
> I have been using 2GB FAT16 partitions because of my recollection that
> some of the FreeDOS programs didn't support FAT32 properly. I'm sorry I
> don't have notes on the particulars, just a recollection of my
> conclusion from a dive into the question a long time ago.
> Can anyone say with some authority what the current state of affairs is?
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