I would think FreeDOS would work fine on any PC with legacy boot enabled,
but extra stuff like USB, sound, and/or networking might need extra drivers
that might not be available.
On Feb 3, 2016 12:57 PM, "Wayne Dernoncourt" <way...@panix.com> wrote:
> I'm planning to install Free-DOS on a standalone system to run SpinRite.
> I've had issues in getting FreeDOS to boot successfully on some systems
> (the systems seems to hang on Init...)
> So I decided to get an older desktop with a plan to wipeout what I expect
> will be Windows and install FreeDOS. I would to minimize the number of
> systems I need to get before being successful at getting FreeDOS to boot,
> what are the characteristics I need to look for.
> BTW the Dell laptop I bought for this works pretty well, but I'm going to
> have problems mounting other desktop hard drives to the laptop that the
> desktop controller can deal with. As I understand things, USB limits the
> info coming back from the drive.
> This clown speaks for himself
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