Attempted to install FreeDOS again.At the very end of the installation process 
I get the following message in the command window:
JemmEx v5.75 [05/21/11]]JemmEx loadedKernel: allocated 46 Disk buffers = 24472 
Bytes in HMABad or missing C-
*************************The installation then hangs up
Can someone tell me what is the checksum of the FreeDOS 1.1 file that  is 
downloaded from the FreeDOS website?I have a utility that does MD5 and SHA, so 
what are the values of the original file that I should compare against the 
downloaded file?

Also during the installation process I do not get a chance to select the memory 
(HMA, UMB, XMS).The installation just barrels through.I am doing something very 
I have a VISTA operating system.Thanks for your help.
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