On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 3:04 PM, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:
> If Jack has reviewed the source code for MS-DOS HIMEM and MS-DOS
> EMM386, then we should not use any memory manager written by him. I
> see in the software list that we include these programs from Jack:
> http://www.freedos.org/software/?prog=uide
> * multi-purpose driver for UDMA, CD/DVD (IDE, no ASPI), disk caching
> http://www.freedos.org/software/?prog=xmgr
> * providing XMSv3
> So we will now need to remove XMGR from the FreeDOS distribution.
>> Not the worst-case, but the EXPECTED case, as modern BIOS programs
>> ALL use UltraDMA to improve speed!   Also, unless you desire nasty
>> words from my "good friends" Rugxulo and Hall, I would not mention
>> XHDD, since it shall remain closed-source and thus unavailable for
>> use within FreeDOS, also unavailable for archiving on SourceForge.

Sadly, this seems exactly what jack wants.

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