Hi All,

Well, Maybe we could use buildroot [1] to create such minimalist distro
Buildroot is very flexible and allows to embed X
Last time i played with it, i was able to create a distro in ~14MB
(squashfs) with python and X
I know that squashfs is not feasible for older machines, but we can
tune the compression on buildroot :)
The only thing is to add dosemu on it which is not difficult,
but i would suggest to compile dosemu 'statically' and then copy the binaries...

[1] http://buildroot.uclibc.org/

Kind Regards,

Geraldo Netto
Sapere Aude => Non dvcor, dvco

Em 20/11/2015 17:52, "Jim Hall" <jh...@freedos.org> escreveu:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Georg Potthast
> <mail...@georgpotthast.de> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I made a very small Linux distro called Nanolinux which is only 14 MB in
> > size:
> > https://sourceforge.net/projects/nanolinux/
> >
> > I could add Virtualbox to that and then you would get a bootable ISO with
> > about 50 to 70 MB in size that would run your DosemuLimpo
> >
> > (Although I did not manage to download that with the Firefox browser,
> > it does not recognize "ova" as a file extension. Maybe you put it into
> > a ZIP archive)
> >
> > Wonder if anybody would be interested to use this solution.
> >
> I, for one, would be very interested to see a text-mode "small" Linux
> that boots up an instance of DOSEMU instead of login on the first
> available virtual terminal. (I'd put a regular Linux login on the
> second VT.)
> This would provide an interesting "sandbox" to run Linux on new
> hardware. It would remove issues with hardware compatibility on newer
> systems.
> I don't know how small such a thing would be, but since it doesn't
> require a GUI (Nanolinux uses FLTK instead of X) and "only" needs to
> support DOSEMU, I imagine it would be quite small, probably smaller
> than the 14MB for your Nanolinux.
> jh
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