On 6/9/2015 4:05 PM, Felix Miata wrote:
> John Hupp composed on 2015-06-09 15:42 (UTC-0400):
>> Rugxulo also suggests this in a follow-up post.  I have now tried univbe
>> 6.7 and sdd 6.53.  Both explicitly support the Oak chipset. Both report
>> that they provide this card with VESA 3.0 support including 3 graphics
>> modes (though so far I haven't found a way to make it tell me what those
>> modes are).
>> Rugxulo: I saw your link to univbe51, but I haven't tried that yet.
>> But with both drivers, "mode con lines=34" reports that it can't do that.
> Doesn't SDD for DOS provide its own utility for setting mode? SDD for OS/2 
> does.

Maybe that utility is OS/2 specific.  The files in the program directory 

  Directory of C:\SDD

CONFIG   DAT        34,609  06-09-2015  3:54p
CONFIG   EXE       668,095  07-02-1998  5:02p
ORDER    TXT         2,667  07-02-1998  4:06p
PROFILE  EXE       169,827  07-02-1998  5:00p
README   TXT        13,183  06-09-2015  3:16p
REGISTER EXE        50,632  07-02-1998  5:00p
SDDSPEED EXE        74,064  07-02-1998  5:01p
UNICENTR EXE       205,067  07-02-1998  5:01p
UNIVBE   DRV        19,446  06-09-2015  3:31p
UNIVBE   EXE        97,796  07-02-1998  5:01p
UVCONFIG EXE       451,936  07-02-1998  5:01p
VBETEST  EXE       197,435  07-02-1998  5:00p

CONFIG.EXE seems to be the configuration program ordinarily used in a 
first run of UNIVBE.EXE.
REGISTER.EXE was used to enter registration codes.
SDDSPEED.EXE I have not tried.
UNICENTR.EXE provides a pattern to help center the display.
UVCONFIG.EXE seems to be a more advanced or aggressive version of 
CONFIG.  After running it, UNIVBE now reports that I have 12 graphics modes.
VBETEST.EXE seems to be testing only, not configuration.

PROFILE.EXE is interesting.  Via its -b option + a parameter, it seems 
to offer a choice of graphics modes.  But when I tried one it caused a 
reboot with no discernable change after the boot.

Perhaps there is documentation somewhere that elaborates.

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