According to wikopedia GPT is a king sized version of  MBR.
Can you try a smaller hardrive that uses a MBR? If your bios can still
boot a hard drive with a MBR.


On Mon, 1 Dec 2014 19:46:17 -0600 Rugxulo <> writes:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 10:22 PM, dmccunney 
> <> wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 9:55 PM, Thomas Mueller 
> <> wrote:
> >> from dmccunney:
> >
> >> I can't run FreeDOS or any other DOS from hard drive because of 
> GPT;
> >> only way is if I can install to a USB stick using FAT32 and get 
> that to boot.
> You never tried UNetBootIn or RUFUS? Maybe you could ask
> to custom-build you one.
> >> I can't access the Internet from DOS because of lack of driver 
> for modern Ethernet chip.
> >> Conceivably I could boot FreeDOS by NFS and even run from big 
> ext4fs partition.
> >
> > I don't even try.  Even if I could, DOS browser support is 
> lacking.
> > Yes, Arachne exists, but web standards have changed to the point 
> where
> > many sites simply won't work in it.
> >
> >> Even if I could access the Internet from FreeDOS booting through 
> NFS, applications are
> >> far behind what is available for Linux and the BSDs, meaning 
> essentially an exercise in frustration.
> >
> > Precisely.
> >
> >> Main purpose for accessing the Internet from FreeDOS would be to 
> see if it's possible.
> >
> > It may be *possible*.  What you could do once you had would be 
> another matter.
> One of the big problems (not counting HTML5 or Javascript or Flash) 
> is
> HTTPS. Not just for DOS but for any OS that isn't top tier (big 
> three:
> Mac, Win, Linux).
> It has recently come to my attention that many popular websites are
> now requiring it, which makes it very hard to operate unless your 
> web
> browser can support it. And, in case it wasn't obvious, there are 
> only
> a handful of "modern" web browsers (and host OSes) that work for 
> such
> "modern" needs. Thus, anything that isn't top tier (Firefox, Chrome,
> IE, Safari) is practically ignored / banned. And even some of those
> are struggling.
> We're lucky just to have anything that halfway works anymore (mTCP,
> Dillo, Links, Arachne).
> >> I never heard of vDos fork of DOSBox, can't find it in either 
> FreeBSD ports or NetBSD pkgsrc, emulators category.
> >
> > It doesn't exist there. vDos is specific to Windows, and intended 
> to
> > support 16 bit character mode DOS apps in a 64bit Windows 
> environment.
> > Because it's intended for character mode business apps, it drops a 
> lot
> > of stuff in DOSBox intended to support MSDOS games.  It works fine
> > here to run things like WordStar 7 under Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.  If
> > what you run is Linux or *BSD, DOSBox is your option.
> DOSBox hasn't had a proper release in over four years. It's very 
> good
> and portable but slow. I don't know the exact original motivation 
> they
> had for writing it. Obviously "games games games", but still, I 
> assume
> it wasn't meant for "x86 host only" or "Windows only". Of course you
> could have it much faster and more compatible, in theory.
> I keep whining about VT-X, but nobody here seems to know or care 
> what
> it is. We've already got several emulators (hypervisors: VirtualBox,
> Hyper-V, bhyve) using it, and it's indeed better and faster than
> "software only" emulation. (Though that doesn't mean DOS runs well
> there by default: haven't tried except VBox.) Even Bochs, while not
> (AFAIK) using VT-X, seems to heavily prefer SSE2 (SIMD) compiles 
> these
> days just for faster speed.
> But the problem again is that not everybody has all these (cpu, OS)
> features, so they can't "just use it."
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