On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Karen Lewellen
<klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
> Mercy  the  things that come across my desk...even if I am not seeking
> them.
> a question only.  I have no idea why the person is asking.
> Will freedos run on a 64 bit machine?

Yes, in a virtual machine.  64bit X86 CPUs will still execute 16 bit
X86 instructions, but you need the environment in which that 16 bit
stuff will run.  To run FreeDOS, you would need to run Virtual Box or
the like to provide the 16 bit support.

The best solution would be a "Live CD" version of FreeDOS that could
be installed to and booted from a CD or USB stick, but there isn't
one.  The current available versions are all installers to let you
install FreeDOS on a machine.

> Thanks,
> Kare

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