I would have implemented WinNT networked laptops running a php registration
signin/signup form in a browser that communicates with central database.
and allow badge printing by network printer.

Computer Consultant & Repair Tech
Digitalatoll Solutions Group (Tawhaki Software)
Cell: 916-612-6904
Webpages, Email hosting, Cloud FTP Hosting, and Custom programming

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 8:14 PM, dmccunney <dennis.mccun...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 6:45 PM, Matej Horvat
> <matej.hor...@guest.arnes.si> wrote:
> > So the fact that DOS was used is completely irrelevant, though it is nice
> > to know it's being used. :)
> DOS pops up in odd places.  In 2006, I attended LACon IV, the 54th
> annual World Science Fiction Convention, held that year in Los
> Angeles, CA.  The Worldcon attracts  about 5,000 attendees.
> Registration for the event was handled in DOS.  They had a batch of
> ancient laptops with a 3.5" floppy drive but no HD.  They booted from
> a DOS floppy, and ran DBase III.  Once DBase was running, they swapped
> in a data disk where registration info was stored as people
> registered.  When registration got busy, they added more registrars
> and handed out more old laptops.  Once an hour or so, they'd do a
> synchronization operation so everyone had a current copy of the
> database.  The registration head who set up the system had been a
> programmer at Ashton-Tate back when, and "wrote some of the more
> annoying stuff in DBase III".
> I was tickled.  Most such conventions use networked PCs with the
> database residing on a backend server, or perhaps terminals connected
> to a multi-user server running Linux.  This dispensed with servers,
> networks, and current PCs, using only ancient recycled hardware and
> MS-DOS era software.  It did the job while eliminating several levels
> of complexity and cost.  I told the guy who set it all up that it was
> a perfectly valid approach, and one I would not have thought of.  I
> was impressed, and said so.
> ______
> Dennis
> https://plus.google.com/u/0/105128793974319004519
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