
On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 12:25 PM, John R. Sowden
<jsow...@americansentry.net> wrote:
> Wow!
> As usual when I present problems on these mailing lists, the solutions
> are complex.  Nothings easy!

Welcome to computers, where "easy" means hours of work.

> I also have a tendency to not explain
> completely.  Usually I'm pretty precise.  I am not running any MS
> Windows on this computer.  I am running the "DOS 7.10" from Win98 on
> this computer so I can make use of Fat32, getting more efficiency on a

Okay, yes, admittedly, FAT32 has some advantages, but it's also less
supported on some "older" DOSes and tools.

> I primarily use this computer to connect to a DOS network
> ("Little Big Lan") in my office.  This computer also has Suse on it.  UK
> which version, but I have been using Ubuntu (on another computer in my
> office not connected to this lan) since shortly after it was announced.
> Unfortunately there is email on the suse partitions and I would like
> (need to?) keep/recover.   I have a usb driver for DOS that I use to
> backup.  Usually only selected directories, but this time I'll back up
> the entire 630 MB.

You can probably use the DOS (DJGPP) version of TestDisk to
read/recover files from an ext2 partition, if that sounds easier than
trying to "recover" your Linux system's booter:


> According to a text file from Ranish Partition
> Manager, this is a 10GB HD with 3 fat32 partitions, a linux swap, and a
> linux ext2fs partition.

It also used to be possible (2.4 kernels) to use FAT as host to Linux
via UMSDOS or whatever. But the last major distro to do that was
Slackware 11 (2006?). Heck, I think 14.1 was just released (and lots
has changed). Okay, I'm not really recommending you switch entirely to
FAT32, just saying it's possible. (Someone else might even say, "Just
use DOSEMU" under SuSE, but networking under that sounds like a pain,
so it wouldn't be any easier, IMO.)

> I have some pretty detailed in re: partitions,
> sectors, cylinders, etc. from rRPM reports I saved to disk that might be
> helpful.  I cannot run RPM yet because it requires a DPMI? program.  I
> have found some system files (created by me) that date about 2004, but
> there is no reference to Linux.  I can now run RPM if that helps.

Uh ... I dunno.  :-)   RPM (or RPM5) I thought was a package manager,
basically a wrapper around a cpio archive. I'm not aware of any DPMI
port of that, and I have no idea what rRPM means (or maybe typo?).

You can get various DPMI servers here, but I don't really know how
that would help you very much here:


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