On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 8:50 PM, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As for SD cards, USB, SSD, etc., I'm not sure how well (if at all)
> they would respond to "traditional" defragging. They aren't like
> traditional hard drives, so it may be best (or at least easier) to
> defrag them under Windows or similar OS where such things are more
> prevalent.

There's no point to defragging one.  The lesser reason is the nature
of NAND flash: there's a limit to how many times you can write to a
cell before it becomes unusable.  (That limit is about 100,000
writes.)  The circuitry in the controller is designed to transparently
migrate the data off failing cells to good ones and mark the failing
ones unusable, so in practice you would see a gradual degradation, but
you are likely to replace the device long before you reach the point
of even noticing that sort of wear.

The bigger reason is that on a flash drive or SSD, there are no moving
parts.  It's a specialized form of memory, and any part of the storage
can be accessed in the same amount of time.  Given that, why bother
defragging?  It won't make any difference in performance, but will
marginally increase wear on the drive.

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