Yeah, I still have the source. I get an itch to work on it every few years.
DosBox ain't gonna happen. If I decide to go the emulator route it will be
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 8:39 PM, Rugxulo <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 2:01 PM, bruce.bowman
> <> wrote:
> >
> > I think it was written in Turbo C++ 3.0. It's been awhile. I've
> uninstalled
> > it because I thought I had a backup around here. If not, I'm sure I can
> find
> > images of the install disks on the web somewhere. I probably have it on
> > floppies (ha ha).
> Embarcadero has Turbo C++ 1.01, but it's only "freeware" to registered
> users of their other (newer) products, oddly enough. And you can't
> redistribute it. And you've gotta give them lots of personal info for
> free registration.
> Long story short: OpenWatcom is open source and supports 16-bit DOS
> targets and C++, so that's a better bet.
> > Back in the early 90s I had a shareware door "business" that was active
> in
> > FidoNet and DoorNet before the web took over and the dialup BBS became
> > passe'. It was called Dirt Cheap Software, and fully lived up to its
> name --
> > I didn't make any money, but it kept me out of trouble.
> I was pretty young in those days, so I only used BBSes for about two
> years or so before the Internet became ubiquitous. They were cool,
> though, definitely.
> > Palletized 640x480x256 colors requires VBE 3.0. I reserved certain
> entries
> > in the palette because those colors were used to draw other things on the
> > screen. Otherwise the status bar, text, etc would be constantly changing
> > colors as new images are put up.
> I don't know, I'm no graphics guru. Do you still have sources? If so,
> at least in theory you could fix it. (Or binary patch, heheh.)
> > Total storage is about 23 MB and growing, mainly because of the number of
> > images, and the fact that they use only RLE compression to help them
> display
> > quickly. The program itself is pretty small.
> Yikes.
> > I have an account on the Vogons site, in hopes they would help me get my
> > application running in DosBox. But the responses to the inquiries that
> I've
> > posted there have been universally abrupt. If people persist in
> "helping" by
> > talking over my head and acting intellectually superior then I prefer
> not to
> > play in their sandbox.
> I found the thread. It's not that abrupt. I think they might help more
> if you give them more details.
> 1). Try changing the video card setting in the dosbox-0.74.conf file
> (or similar copy). Mix and match, play with it a bit. Describe to them
> exactly what it's doing and what it "should" be doing. Take a
> screenshot (esp. since DOSBox supports this natively, Ctrl-F5, unless
> I'm remembering incorrectly, then check your Program
> Files\dosbox\captures subdir or whatever). Extra credit for
> screenshots of physical hardware running the game correctly.
> 2). Upload your game somewhere so they can test or debug it. (I know
> it's big, but ... if at all possible ....)
> 3). Ask them what specific files are needed (and where to get) S3 +
> BIOS add-ons and how to test it.
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