On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:57 PM, Karen Lewellen
<klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> indeed they are referring to doslfn, but as I am  not sure, I have written
> to ask just what edition.  Also which of freedos.
> they sent me the line they are loading...thoughts?
> I feel sure they are not running what is current, and as their complaint
> is that the line does not work, it may not be by choice.
> Still part of their issue has to do with how wordperfect displays long
> file names, which it can do, but which they may not have allowed.

They may be going through more trouble than they have to.  If I get
what is being done here correctly, there probably ought to be a space
between /Z: and C:\DOS71\CP437UNI.TBL, and the : following Z may be
out of place.


The /Z switch specifies a code page to support, and the following parm
is where to find it.  Code page 437 is the standard IBM-PC code page,
and is probably the default, so it may not be necessary to specify it
at all.

I load FreeDOS's LFN support here as "installhigh=c:\dev\doslfn.com "
and things work.  (I put such things in a \dev directory, because I
like a Unix-like directory structure.

> Thanks again,
> Karen

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