On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 3:03 AM, Michael C. Robinson
<plu...@robinson-west.com> wrote:

> The latest version of Windows always seems to need more computing
> horsepower than the last one...

Not just Windows.  I run FreeDOS on an old notebook with an 867mhz
Transmeta CPU, an IDE 4 HD, and 256MB of RAM (of which 16MB is grabbed
off the top by the CPU for code morphing.)  It came to me with WinXP
SP2 installed, and was frozen snail slow..  I swapped the original
30GB HD for a 40GB from my SO's dead laptop, repartitioned, and looked
for Linux distros to install.  I wound up with Puppy Linux (intended
for lower end HW) an earlier version of Ubuntu, and Win2K Pro SP4.
Once I had it properly installed and tuned, Win2K took *less* memory
(I got it down to about 80Mb), booted faster, and was quicker in
operation than either Linux distro.

> I suspect this is on purpose to boost computer sales.

Nope.  *All* new OS releases need more hardware than prior ones,
because they are expected to do more, and host larger and more complex

> Someday maybe,  ReactOS will fix that problem.

I recommend not holding your breath while waiting.

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