Op 16-6-2012 15:25, Marcos Favero Florence de Barros schreef:
> Michael B. Brutman wrote:
>> I don't think you have a networking problem; I think it is a
>> hardware problem, or very bad device driver settings.

I remember databases benefitting from a high amount of file handles, but 
likely that's already being taken care of by caching software.
Anyway, (FD)CONFIG.SYS allows FILES=200

> I downloaded SHARE from Japheth's site, and it turned out to be
> the same file I had. Where could I find other versions? I Couldn't
> find it by searching the internet, perhaps because 'share' is too
> common a word.

I thought the FreeDOS kernel would contain SHARE, but apparently not.

Anyway, are you (legally) able to test your setup against an MS-DOS 
environment instead of FreeDOS? That could determine (or rule out) some 

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