On 4/11/2012 6:14 AM, Michael B. Brutman wrote:
>As an end user, your fears are probably foolish.  Emulation and virtualization 
>work fine
>for anybody playing with DOS at the application level.

Application-level?  But doesn't DOS more or less give an application (nearly) 
unfettered access to the hardware?
Also, despite much trouble and time, I've yet to get DOS (of any form) to run 
stably in a VM, though I do have no doubt that it can be done … advice please?

>DOS as a platform for embedded computing using generic PCs might be more
>of a problem.  There will come a day when a new generic PC will not boot
>the current versions of DOS that we know and love.  People using DOS
>that way will probably move to more suitable embedded environments before that 

Or they might simply extend FreeDOS's API/kernel to handle such changes … kinda 
like what's being done now?

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