El 06/04/2012 02:36 p.m., Eric Auer escribió:
> Hi :-) A nice thread to ponder some free alternatives for
> all those fine classic DOS programs from "back then" :-)
>> Rugxulo: What was DOS most famous for?"
>> In office software:  Lotus 1-2-3 *and clones), DBase 3 and 3.5,
>>                               Paradox, QuattroPro, Javelin,  MS Project
> As Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet, see below in the math realm
> for some alternative suggestions :-) Same for Quattro Pro by
> Borland and apparently Javelin by Javelin.

About spreadsheets:

Visical is available for download for non commercial use at author web

Turbo C 2.01, available for download from borland museum, includes
as example the source code for a simple spreadsheet named mcalc.

Not sure if you can redistribute, but you can download TC and compile
mcalc.c and you will get a mcalc.exe (just 105KB), a quick and simple
spreadsheet you can use for calculations.  limited to 100 rows, able to
print formatted tables to plain text file, so is easy to include the tables
on your favorite text processor.

Marco A. Achury
Tel: +58-(212)-6158777
Cel: +58-(414)-3142282
Skype: marcoachury

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