On 8 March 2012 01:21, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is this all the DOS Watcom application does? Just ask for some basic
> info to pass back to the caller (to run as parameters to the ghosting
> app)?
Yes, this is all it does.

> > We had a clumsy turbodisk memory partition (there is no writable storage
> on
> > our system when running under FreeDOS), so we write a batch file in that
> > partition with the environment variables we need, and then the calling
> > script executes than batch file on exit to "pickup" those set environment
> > variables.
> >
> > Sounds clumsy? It is....  However it's worked for years no problems.
> >
> > Anyway, updated to latest FreeDOS and this no longer works.   The
> turbodisk
> > is getting created fine, it's being formatted, and we can find it's drive
> > letter correctly using the find utility.
> >
> > Did something change?
> What does "ver /r" say? I almost suspect that you're accidentally
> using 4DOS and tripping over something minor. I think Bernd starting
> (optionally?) using that, and it's not always obvious. I don't think
> FreeCOM's binary has literally changed at all (except for some SVN
> source tweaks).
FreeCom version 0.84-pre2 XMS_Swap [Aug 28 2006 00:29:000]
DOS version 7.10
FreeDOS kernel 2040 (build 2040 oem:0xfd) [compiled Jun 21 2011]

> > Is there any easier way to achieve what we need?  (unfortunately, we
> can't
> > use something simple like exit codes.... We have several bits of data to
> > return)
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