
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 2:17 PM, Ulrich Hansen <uhan...@mainz-online.de> wrote:
> Am 13.01.2012 um 18:54 schrieb Bernd Blaauw:
>> Op 13-1-2012 16:11, Ulrich Hansen schreef:
>>> Description: I have installed FreeDOS 1.1 with german language and 
>>> keyboard. If I boot (after a fresh install) with bootmenu option 1 (Load 
>>> FreeDOS with JemmEx) keyb will crash with the error message:
>>> Keyboard layout     : C:\FDOS\bin\keyboard.sys:GR [858]    (3)
>>> Critical error: cannot allocate memory. DOS reported error: 8
>> could you try adding "/NOHI" at your KEYB line please?
> Wow. This worked!
> In AUTOEXEC.BAT I have now a line:
> KEYB GR,,keyboard.sys /NOHI
> In FDCONFIG.SYS I went back to all the original settings of FreeDOS 1.1. So 
> the JemmEx line looks like this again:

Why is this using NOVME NOINVLPG? Is it trying to be
ultra-conservative? Is there a known VirtualBox (or other) bug
somewhere? Seems odd ... though INVLPG is 486 and VME is 586, perhaps
you're trying for old 386 compatibility?? (And I blindly assume
JEMM386 already is aware of when it's safe to use.)

>> X=TEST is just a test for checking which UMB areas are (un)safe to use.
>> Could you perhaps try adding X=TEST to option 2 (EMM386) ? See if that
>> works. I've not been able to reproduce your case in VMWARE Workstation 8.

If VMware doesn't exhibit it, it may be a VirtualBox bug. Remember,
VBox is not perfect, esp. for DOS, sadly, as it's not a priority for
them (e.g. D3X extender).

> X=TEST is originally in option 2. The lines in FDCONFIG.SYS (untouched after 
> installation) look like this:
> So this is OK.
> I don't really understand why leaving out "X=TEST" in option 1
> solved the problem too. Testing the UMBs should lead to a
> more stable behavior of JEMMEX.EXE. Instead it crashed
> KEYB somehow.

Dunno, and haven't checked, but I hope we're using latest KEYB 2.01 here.

> It's odd but it's easy to reproduce with any fresh FreeDOS
> installation on VirtualBox with the default settings (and
> choosing german keyboard layout).

Does "default" mean with or without VT-X enabled? Neither is perfect.

> Anyway, starting KEYB with /NOHI seems to be the more elegant
> and logical solution.
> Thanks!
> If this could be the default in FreeDOS, I think it would help other
> users. At least the german ones... ;-)

Well, presumably most German users know to press F8 and manually
disable stuff if they run into problems (or F5 for clean boot, worst
case scenario). DOS really isn't that user friendly. Caveat emptor.

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