On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 12:17 PM, Koh Choon Lin <2choon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Marco Achury <marcoach...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> XAppeal is a proprietary X11 server for MS-DOS based on XFree86. The web
>> used to be http://www.xtreme.it/pub/xappeal/ but now appear to be death now.
> If someone is willing to start a free as in freedom graphical
> interface for FreeDOS, I am ready to contribute resources and money to
> the project.

I'd love to have you contribute to a GUI project. There have been
several. The one with the longest history is OpenGEM, but the web site
is now idle (http://gem.shaneland.co.uk/). The OpenGEM6 pre-release is
the last we heard of this project, in 2006

Another promising GUI was SEAL, which seems to have also gone idle
long before GEM.

As a result, I kind of pulled back from any particular GUI, and
focused on the command line experience. But I would really like to see
a nice GUI for FreeDOS. An X Windows implementation would be very
interesting, for example.

I encourage you to look around for what's there, and see if you can
move any of them forward. OpenGEM shows a lot of promise, but the
graphics are dated and could use a refresh. Since it's GNU GPL, I
imagine you could borrow from another GPL'd desktop environment, such


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