Hi! Austrian Newspaper:
Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Linux-Mobiltelefon mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
James Hall <jh...@freedos.org> schrieb:
2012/1/3 Aitor Santamaría <aitor...@gmail.com>:
> Just as a curiosity. Aas my google searches in Spanish by default,
> hours after the release, I have noticed that there are already two
> sites having an article covering that already (I don't know either of
> them personaly):
> http://www.neoteo.com/freedos-1-1-nueva-version-del-dos-gratuito
> http://www.gustavopimentel.com.ar/2012/01/freedos-ya-esta-disponible-la-version-1-1/
I have the NeoTeo article, but didn't have the other one. Adding now.
Also in Spanish:
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