Hi Georg, Garry,

> I had exactly the same setup on one of my PCs. Grub has options to
> hide the Windows and Linux partition and tries to make e.g. DOS
> believe it boots from the first partiton. When trying that I found

FreeDOS should not really care about that, but it will try to load
first fdconfig.sys and if that is not found config.sys from the first
primary visible FAT partition... Because Windows does not care about
fdconfig.sys, you can easily let it share C: with FreeDOS for that
one file. The kernel of DOS could be on another drive or on the same
but the latter requires a boot menu which can either load our kernel
directly or which can keep multiple (Windows, DOS) boot sectors, for
example stored as files, available to pick from.

> that DOS had been put on an extended partiton and still would not

The boot sector expects partition location (a field called hidden
sector count for no intelligent reason) to be absolute, which is
not the case for extended partitions. A boot sector or boot menu
which works around that (e.g. patches the boot sector in RAM when
you pick that menu item) can make DOS able to boot from extended.

> boot. The result was that the entire PC would not boot any more since
> the Windows and Linux partitions were hidden which was a real
> desaster.

As far as I remember, GRUB contains a relatively powerfull shell.

While it might not be enough as permanent fix, it should be enough
to temporarily fix your states far enough so that you can boot and
then use Windows or Linux to repair the rest.  Also, I would think
that Linux should not care about whether it uses hidden partitions.

For example you can use the "edit menu item" feature in GRUB to
do things like (un)hiding and telling GRUB what and from where
to boot "this time" before you launch a menu item.

Regards, Eric

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