
On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:58 PM, dos386 <dos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wonder if a "workaround" would be to detect Dillo on the web site
> Please don't do it like that ... it's just recycling this B.S. "technology":
> if (detectIE5)
>  make IE5 happy
> else
> ...
> endif

Most sites dropped IE6 already. Besides, IE9 is already out with IE10
(Win7 only) on the way. And even MS is jumping on the (complex,
unfinished) HTML5 bandwagon (why??). So none of that helps our cause.
(Really, all this bloat for "hypertext"??)

> Anyway, the freedos.org layout is "an issue",
> but for me the wishlist sorted by importance would be:
> 0. Hangers
> 1. Uploads
> 2. HTTPS / SSL
> 3. Layout

More likely:

0. Give thanks to Georg for his efforts. (Hey, it's Thanksgiving!)   :-)
1. Misc. bugfixes (it's only beta1).
2. Mirror it to iBiblio (or sooner if Jim wants).

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