
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Eduardo Casino
<eduardo.cas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just tested it inside fake86, a 8086 PC emulator
> (http://fake86.rubbermallet.org) and it produces an exception. I've
> then re-compiled using just 8086 instructions for main.c and kitten.c
> and leaving the pentium optimizations for the rest of the files and it
> works. And size is only increased by 6 bytes :)
> I'll fix it for the next release.

First of all, kudos.

Secondly, I didn't even know Mike C. had rewritten (or even halfway
finished) his emulator in C (instead of FB). Nifty. Now the big
question is which Wolf3D version is he testing with (presumably his
8086 recompile). Well, and whether Fake86 can be compiled as DOS .EXE.

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