Hi all,

a new version of the keyboard layout pack has been released. Version 3.0 
"goes bidi" -- french/arabic, US/arabic and US/hebrew layouts are now 
available (to be used under Thomas Wolff's Mined). Brazilian keyboards 
are now able to use cp860 as well as ABIComp; the US-Colemak layout is 
available; ukrainian keyboards can now type the hryvnia sign; 
corrections were made to czech (mainly, <CapsLock> now affects the czech 
accented letters in the first row) and brazilian ABNT keyboards (so that 
users can now type "/", "?" and "°" on notebook keyboards which don't 
provide the </> key).

Last but not least, all keyboards are now able to type esperanto.

The ZIP file can be downloaded from the software list ("Base") or 
directly from here:

To take advantage of the new features, the new codepage pack 
(CPIDOS30.ZIP) must be downloaded -- also from the software list 
("Base") or directly from here:

Or here: http://www.fdos.org/kernel/cpi/


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