On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 19:00 -0500, Michael B. Brutman wrote:
> Here is the link to the announcement:
> http://www.bttr-software.de/forum/forum_entry.php?id=10488
> To me this is a serious problem - losing a piece of the DOS community is 
> bad.  Losing the place where a lot of the programmers hang out is even 
> worse.
> Mike

Look at it this way, it is extremely hard to support modern hardware in
a DOS style environment because DOS allowed application programs to use
hardware directly.  Jim Hall has said himself that he has limited
interest in the GUI end and most people think a Windows 3.11 Workgroups
compatible GUI is too much work.  DOS is fast, but Linux stripped down
properly is also fast.  DOS is great for playing old games, and there
are some popular applications for it.  Thing is, DOS doesn't make sense
at all in the multicore era as a primary operating system.  DOS was
needed when the personal computer wasn't powerful enough to support a
more sophisticated operating system.  I'd say that Freedos has it's
uses, but without active development on a variant that can take
advantage of multiple cores and modern hardware, there are probably a
dwindling number of uses for it.  Without hardware protection and memory
protection, Freedos is certainly fast but probably not acceptable to

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