Direct hardware access is practically speaking the fastest way to go,
but it is not the most maintainable approach.  The problem with
using say WordPerfect or MS Word or Visicalc even, hardware is changing.
The printers of the MS-DOS era have largely been replaced by networked
printers and USB printers.  How can one hope to directly support the new
hardware in DOS when companies tightly control access 
to their hardware blue prints?  Yes you can hack hardware to figure out
how it works or study it somehow, but studying integrated circuits can
be expensive and difficult.  The return on investment, questionable.

A 32/64 bit version of DOS isn't something that is well defined yet.  As
such, abstracting hardware details away might be possible.  Imagine, a
TSR for modern printers that abstracts the details away which
WordPerfect, MS Word, Visicalc can send print jobs to using a well
defined interface.  Would this TSR be comparably fast to printer drivers
for every modern printer written in assembly language?  No.  The point
is, speed is not always the most important consideration even in a DOS
environment.  An input bound program is only as fast as the user at the

Dos means disk operating system which comes from QDOS which meant, quick
and dirty operating system.  A 32/64 bit version of Freedos is a project
aiming to: access more memory, use larger hard disks, create larger
files, use post DOS era hardware, and perhaps even use multiple cores.
If there is a way to use say Windows or Linux print drivers in Freedos,
why reinvent the wheel?

Freedos does not protect the hardware and hardware is typically not
abstracted away.  Does this mean that all freedos drivers have to access
the hardware directly?  Could one make a modern sound card look like say
a Sound Blaster 64 card via a driver that translates for the different
hardware?  If hardware drivers are embedded in DOS programs, does one
have to hack those programs when new hardware comes out?  Does Freedos
make any sense on a multi core system with a terabyte or larger hard
disk and gigabytes of ram?

Many folks want to: word process, organize and play audio files, look at
pictures, etcetera in Freedos.  Others want to do real time work where
direct hardware access and writing the code to control critical hardware
in assembly language is mandatory.  Graphical user interfaces are not a
very DOS thing, but maximum performance is not always the overriding
consideration.  Maybe it is time to limit the scope of Freedos, that
seems to be what people are doing already.  I'm hearing, don't make
Freedos a modern operating system.  I'm hearing, no hardware protection
even in Freedos 32 even if this is optional.  One thing I dislike about
DOS environments, typically if the program doesn't work because the
hardware is not what it expected, there is nothing you can do.  Unless
you can recompile or patch the binary for the new hardware, you are
toast.  This was one of the major reasons for UNIX.  Modern OS'es
separate drivers from application programs instead of throwing them 
in the pot together.

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