   (this may be *slightly* off-topic, but I couldn't resist, sorry,
I'm always wanting to share useless trivia)

EDIT: I'll just change the subject line, hopefully nobody will get
(too) mad, then.

On 7/6/11, Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:
> There are a couple of problems with that approach.  The first is that not
> all keys on the keyboard end up in the BDA/keyboard buffer (Pause,
> PrintScreen, SysReq, Left/Right Windows/GUI, Power/Sleep/Wakeup, multimedia
> keys, etc.).  If these keys are to be simulated, it must happen at the
> scancode level, not the BDA level.  The second problem is that some programs
> provide their own INT 9 handler, and don't even use the BDA at all.  For
> these kinds of programs, the simulation must also happen at the scancode
> level.

All keyboards aren't all the same, though, which is why it's best not
to hardcode key settings or use anything too obscure. My old 486 had a
Macro key (available to use in SETEDIT via included TSR), my P166 had
a Turbo key (typematic rate?), my laptop doesn't even have Pause/Break
nor SysReq (does any DOS software use that???) nor numpad (natch,
though some few laptops do). And of course that makes things like
Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-Alt-SysReq-R-E-I-S-U-B impossible!   ;-)   Oh, and
Eric (Auer) only buys 102-key keyboards (no Win or Menu keys, which
most DOS apps ignore anyways except TDE). I think (old) XKEYB allowed
for some user-defined stuff for those keys (0xE0 prefix???), but since
XKEYB is deprecated, I guess it doesn't matter here.

In short, I can't help but think of absurdly long key combos like
(EDIT: 11 keys! Both hands plus nose!) It makes me laugh, anyways.
(Who uses RCtrl besides VirtualBox??? And RShift is pretty redundant,
but a very very few use it, though I can't remember offhand, e.g. some
obscure TSR.)

P.S. QBASIC 1.0 has an easter egg if you press LCtrl-LAlt-LShift and
RCtrl-RAlt-RShift really quickly before it fully loads (preferably on
old machines!), then it will show the developers' names.

P.P.S. MS-DOS, at bootup, IIRC it would skip config files with either
F5 or even LShift (the latter of which is I guess similar to Win 3.x
"don't load Startup"), which is different to other DOSes (including
DR-DOS and of course FreeDOS).

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