Google up TSRCOM35 and download it.  It's a package that's been around for a 
LONG time, and has two programs called MARK and RELEASE that are specifically 
designed to remove a TSR from memory.  They don't work with all TSR's, but they 
do work with many.  Also included in the package are MARKNET and RELNET, which 
are more "advanced" versions of MARK and RELEASE that are intended to allow 
removal of even network drivers.  Network drivers usually manipulate all sorts 
of things in the DOS internals that the "simple" MARK and RELEASE programs 
can't undo properly.

The package includes several other TSR- and device driver-related utilities.  
The one I personally use all the time is MAPMEM, which displays a memory map 
(similar in concept to MS-DOS's MEM).  I find the format of MAPMEM's output 
more useful than any other similar program I have tested.

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