Op 17-5-2011 20:41, Alain Mouette schreef:
> Well, so it is a BIOS bug, and that is the end of research in this
> direction...
> Either syslinux (that seems to be better but for which I need help) or
> RDISK+SUBST (that I know, but may be a bit clumsy)

ok, made a very basic ISO generation batchfile, as DOS ports of MKISOFS 
(or GENISOIMAGE) exist, whatever floats your boat :)
Hopefully you can see the directory structure from it, as well as how to 
call MKISOFS (both your and my method)
Not going to post isolinux.cfg here, can be a pretty long textfile. I'll 
test if the ISOs work sometime tomorrow.


@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto help
goto verify
for %%x in ( %1 %1\CONTENTS %1\CONTENTS\ISOLINUX ) do if not exist 
%%x\NUL MD %%x
if exist %1\CONTENTS\ISOLINUX\NUL goto filecopy
echo Failed to create directory structure at %1
goto end

for %%x in ( isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg memdisk fdboot.img ) do if not 
exist %1\CONTENTS\ISOLINUX\%%x copy A:\%%x %1\CONTENTS\ISOLINUX\%%x
if not exist %1\CONTENTS\ISOLINUX\FREEDOS.IMG a:\diskcopy A: 
goto branch

CDD %1
for %%x in ( *.iso ) do del %%x
if "%2"=="" goto direct
goto isolinux

echo Creating bootable ISO9660 image, using 1.44MB Floppy Emulation mode
a:\mkisofs -b isolinux/freedos.img -o %1\cd1.iso contents
goto succes

echo Creating bootable ISO9660 image, using Syslinux and 360KB image file
a:\mkisofs -no-emul-boot -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -o c%1\cd1.iso contents
goto succes

echo Bootable ISO9660 file created succesfully as %1\CD1.ISO
goto end

echo Please run this file as follows:
echo %0 [directory] [isolinux]
echo Where directory is any new or existing directory on harddisk or 
echo example #1 : %0 C:\CDTEST           (uses floppy emulation for BootCD)
echo example #2 : %0 C:\CDTEST ISOLINUX  (creating no-emulation for BootCD)
goto end


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