On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 22:34, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 1:20 PM, STF <lapsap7+f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 08:23, dos386 <dos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> * I connected a USB keyboard to a DELL OptiPlex GX620
>>>> (there is no PS/2 port in this model)
>>> BIOS-level emulation
>>>> * When the computer was booted with the CD, I was asked to press
>>>> Enter to boot to CD.  Please notice that I pressed Enter to boot to CD,
>>>> so it seems the Enter key (thus the keyboard) is working at this point
>>> BIOS works so far
>>> 2006 FreeDOS distros are buggy. I suggest installing FreeDOS
>>> manually using latest components (kernel 2038).
>> This doesn't work.  I've tried replace kernel.sys inside fdbasecd.iso
>> ==> didn't work.  Then I replaced both kernel.sys and sys.com ==>
>> didn't work either.
>> There's a huge bug of compatibility with USB keyboard.
> Have you tried Bret Johnson's USB stuff (e.g. keyboard)? I think I
> heard one person (RaYeR?) a while back say it worked for him.
> http://www.bretjohnson.us

No, but I've dug a little bit deeper in the ISO file, and I think the
problem is elsewhere, but of course, correct me if I'm wrong.  It
seems that the real O/S is loaded from isolinux/data/fdboot.img.  This
fdboot.img is actually a gzip file containing another file called
IMAGE.  Unfortunately, I'm unable to check the format of this file.

And apparently, it's this file which doesn't support USB keyboard in
some computers.  But I'm unable to see how to replace kernel (or even
sys.com) inside it.

Is there any plan to release a new fdbasecd.iso?

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