Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 13, 2011, at 7:07 PM, Jose Antonio Senna <> 

> In reply to  my suggestions,  Jim Collins wrote:
>>> set HOME=.
>>> set wattcp.cfg=%HOME%
>>> set wattcp_cfg=.\
>>> with an underdash, not a dot.
>> I edited lynxbat.bat to have the underscore with no luck
> Did you try 
> set HOME=.\
> set wattcp_cfg=%HOME%
> I am not sure whether "." only shall work,
> or whether you must use ".\" to mean the 
> CWD. And what about using
> set HOME=.\
> set wattcp_cfg=.\
> that is more explicit. 
>>> I just tried it right now at the c:\ prompt-
>>> c:\fdos\lynx> lynx
>>> c:\fdos\temp\: no such directory
>> the sign was part of the prompt.
> So your current working directory was c:\fdos\lynx ,
> and the wattcp.cfg file was there. So, where the 
> reference to c:\fdos\temp\ came from ?

i looked at the set command, one thing I noticed was my temp dir was listed as

I think that is why I got the initial error, regarding the temp directory. I 
tried to edit my autoexec.bat file to set my temp directory to where it was 
located in my file structure. which was
but when I restarted my computer and ran the lynxbat.bat file followed by the 
set command it changed back to

I did make a temp directory in 
c:\fdos and that error went away

I don't think the wattcp.cfg file is a problem, atleast judging by the error 
messages I have been getting (even though I did copy wattcp.cfg into the 
directory where the lynxbat.bat file is located)

an error I get often is:
Configuration file /dev/env/DJDIR/lib/lynx.cfg is not available

I have a file in the dir where I have lynxbat.bat that is called lynxcfg.cfg, I 
don't know if this is the file they are referring to. I have opened lynxcfg.cfg 
and read some. when I type out lynxcfg.cfg it says a couple of things,

1. it has a comment right at the top and it calls the file lynx.cfg

2. it has a comment that says the default location of this file is:
/usr/local/lib/lynx.cfg (unix)
I am running mac os x, which I think is a form of unix. I went into a terminal 
on my host computer but I cant find those folders they don't match my host 

lynxcfg.cfg goes on to say that you can  change the default location of 
lynx.cfg in the userdefs.h file and recompile it or you can use the -cfg 
command line option, which I have tried with no luck.

I wonder why my version of freedos called lynx.cfg lynxcfg.cfg. I also wonder 
why my autoexec.bat set the temp directory wrong.

I have tried lynx a number of different ways starting with your suggestions for 
wattcp.cfg. and editing lynxbat.bat a number of different ways, with no luck

any more help would be great
> Try the command 
> set
> without any parameters. This shall display
> all your environment variables, with the
> implicit values already explicited.
> Regards
>  JAS 
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