Thanks mates.


On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 4:41 AM, Michael B. Brutman
<> wrote:
> I had seen the original suggestion to use CTTY to redirect the console
> to a serial port but
> I had seen the original question on how to redirect DOS to use the
> serial port and I probably should have chipped in then, but now you know
> the limitations of CTTY.
> CTTY to a serial port only works for programs that use the DOS system
> calls to generate output and read from the keyboard.  It doesn't work
> for anything that uses BIOS calls or directly manipulates video memory.
> It might be able to handle Ctrl-C correctly but it definitely can't
> handle Ctrl-Break.  In short, it is very limited.
> Programs that use ANSI escape codes to paint and manipulate the screen
> will work in theory, but there are very few of these.  Some of the early
> versions of the Norton Utilities can use ANSI instead of direct screen
> writes, but this technique did not catch on because it is very slow
> compared to "normal" BIOS calls or direct manipulation of the screen.
> Mike
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