On Jue 13 Ene 2011 19:12:06 Eric Auer escribió:
> You could probably just switch off printing in dosemu if you dont need
> to print anything? Just print into a file and then print that later,
> manually then. My configuration (.dosemurc / dosemu.conf) now says:
> $_printer = "file file"

Tried with that, but the file gets the garbage non the less :-/
> $_printer_timeout = (20) # idle time in seconds before spooling out
> Might also be interesting. Note that DOSEMU probably assumes that
> you print plain text without any graphics or printer control codes.
> The layout is then done by some default text handler of CUPS, e.g.
> a2ps with 2-up layout. If you want to print with graphics, try to
> tell your DOS apps that you have a laser printer. CUPS will then,
> hopefully, automatically recognize that you sent postscript to it.

Well, I am printing plain text :-)
But I will certainly play with it.

Thanks :-)

Regards, Lisandro.

Lo que me sorprende de las mujeres es que se arrancan los pelos desde
la raíz con cera caliente y aún así le temen a las arañas.
  Jerry Seinfeld

lis: comentario sobre tu frase....
yo soy mujer, yo me arranco los pelos y VOS le tenes miedo a las arañas....
  María Luján Pérez Meyer (mi hermana)

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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