> to me it's still unclear what it is supposed to do and whether it
> works in (Free-)DOS at all, considering the shots you posted ;-(

The program's purpose is to supervise a local area network (aka LAN). On a 
single stand-alone computer without any network connection, it is indeed of 
very little use. The program can constantly monitor the availability of certain 
hosts (e.g. by pinging them) or certain services (by using other "agents" like 
e.g. LPQ). For larger operating systems, like WINDOWS or UNIX, such programs 
exist (e.g. "big brother" or "big sister" and others) but for DOS there seem to 
be not so very many ones. 

This one i developed under MS-DOS 6.22 but there are no Microsoft specific 
items involved, therefore i would expect it to run under any kind of DOS system 
(MS-/DR-/Free- what-so-ever). Well, it requires at least version number 3.1. I 
personly tried it (besides under "true" MS-DOS 6.22) in the "DOS-window" of 
Windows3.11, Windows98 and WindowsME, as well as under the "Command" window of 

The first of the two screen-shots shows the program running in the "DOS-window" 
of Windows98, just because this was for me the easiest way to generate such a 
screen shot. Under "true" DOS it looks very much the same, just in full screen. 
The second screen-shot shows an example of the html file which the program can 
optionally create as well.

BTW: Reading the file LANSTAT.TXT, which is included in the archive, might 
answer certain questions. Another option would be to just try it. It comes with 
a dummy configuration file, invoking a "fake" ping program, so this demo is 
ready to run, even on a computer without network connection. Of course this is 
not really useful, but it gives a first impression of its operation.
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