We are assessing what needs to be done in order to scope out the
effort.  I am just now starting to talk to the maintainers.


On 8/9/10, Robert Riebisch <r...@bttr-software.de> wrote:
> Hi!
> As time passes by and I didn't hear anything from the update guys for
> the last month: Is there any progress on bringing FreeDOS 1.1 to life?
> In April I wrote to some guys: Put all this stuff to a wiki, e.g., to
> wiki.fdos.org, where anyone can see the progress (hopefully) and help to
> get things done. So create a public task or to-do list. Nothing
> happened. :-/
> Robert Riebisch
> --
> BTTR Software
> http://www.bttr-software.de/
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