On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 08:59 -0400, Pat Villani wrote:
> Please drop the "A Fantasy of a future..." thread.  It has degenerated
> and gone on long enough.
> Pat Villani
> FreeDOS Project Coordinator

Pat, honestly, do you blame me for this thread going the way it did?  
Do I have some incredible power to inspire rudeness in others?  I'd
honestly like to know why you deal with this this way and don't go 
after the personal attacks let alone the I am an atheist and it is 
going to tick you off grabs for attention.  There is a real injustice

I didn't ask for this thread to turn into a defend ReactOS or support
efforts to improve Windows compatibility in Freedos.  ReactOS is a
troubled project in my opinion, without saying anything negative about
any of the ReactOS developers.  I am saddened, sad that I can't suggest
effort be undertaken to improve Windows compatibility in Freedos at 
some point in the future without getting attacked or called insane.

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