
> but my main concern is about 8086 guys who uses freedos, they wont be
> able to run such linux distro either for installation or any other form and i
> guess, they are reading this msg, right? :P
> Correct.
> 8086/80186 is alive and kicking (at least in the embedded world :-)
> Hans
> www.ht-lab.com

Btw, really nice vhdl stuff Hans :)

well, there is a compromise between 8086 and other arch
i mean, we have to keep 8086 compatibility but going with
linux we would be able to run freedos on non-x86 arch, which
is nice too... i can't confirm this, but supposing dosemu runs
as user mode software on top of linux, we should have no problem
running on other arch(?)

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