I used XCDROM and SHSUCDX 3.03D for some months
(since their release) in this computer without problems,
mostly under DRDOS, but a few times also under MSDOS and
FREEDOS. This machine does not have any other O/S; uses
only DOS.
 I experimented them lately in another machine, which 
uses Windows 98 as its default O/S and found that
under DOS only, whether it is FREEDOS (from floppy)
or MSDOS (stopping autoexec.bat before the WIN command),
the CD drive responds so slowly that SHSUCDX times out 
and issues the "Abort,Retry,Fail" message at every
attempt at access. In a DOS window, access to the CD 
is normal.
 The CD drive is the same in both machines (I moved
it from the first to the second) and in both it is/was
connected as slave in the same cable with an HD. The
main difference between the machines is that the former
has an ISA-only motherboard, with an IDE adapter card,
while the latter has a PCI+ISA motherboard, with the
IDE adpater on-board.
 Does anyone have an idea of what is causing this?

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