I think it depends on what network card you have
and I think you are limited to Microsoft Client.

Network support in dos in general could be improved.
Microsoft Client as far as I know is closed source
and it hasn't been maintained by Microsoft for years.

One approach if you have Windows 98SE and use say
Wordperfect or Microsoft Word is to set network 
printing up in Windows 98SE and dual boot.  In the
case of Word, you need the viewer.  In the case of
WordPerfect, I am not aware of any viewer product.
The Word97 viewer could be a bit tricky to find
these days.

On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 12:17 -0800, Ray Davison wrote:
> Is it possible to get DOS to use a print server such as this?
> http://tinyurl.com/ykf3raz
> TY
> Ray

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