If anyone is interested, I have written a "toy" GUI for dos(freedos,
msdos,'boxdos'); I call it hobo, half a GUI; imagine a line right to left.
On the left end is dos. On the right end is windows/kde/gnome. The right end
has bloat, the left end does not.
So, I preserved the text graphics mode dos; 'screens' instead of windows,
very clean, but not 'pretty'. The core of it, akin to 'explorer'  shows
directories, default ten lines at a time, and can scroll them up or down.
Also, the line items can be selected by mouse. This system is crude and
rudimentary, but I believe, with some work, it can be extended, and without
losing it's dosoid back compatability. The nice part is that it can accept
an 'application' very
easily; requiring mainly that the ap be 'doslike', and maybe take a command
line argument(not crucial; basically any dos exe or com). I believe it
could, by extension, ultimatelty approach the level of a '98', without
throwing it's dos foundation
under the bus. Even GEM had potential,but is a bit chaotic and opague(seems
to rely on scattred dependancies and OOP gobledygook; I could br wrong.) I
stick to C for these things(some assembly!), and avoid "data hiding"
"makefiles", and other
such sorceries, and this requires profuse commenting. Whatever.  Richard
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