I left my FreeDOS 1.0 CD and shutdown the computer
My mother (that canĀ“t read english) turn on the computer and the
computer boot fro the cd.
The she seen an unkown menu press enter several times.  Result, she
begins a FreeDOS install
on my computer first HD.  Damaged my grub.  Lucky appear that something
goes wrong, and the install was aborted.  So was not damage on the
content of my ntfs and ext3 partitions, but I need restart with knoppix
in order to fix the grub.

- Dont left you FreeDOS CD on an unattended computer.  Specially when
children or other people use it.
- Would be great if the menus on the live-cd requires a better
confirmation prior to install, not simply press enter.  Something like:
- The screen may include messages on several languages

Marco A. Achury
Tel: +58-(212)-6158777
Cel: +58-(414)-3142282
Skype: marcoachury

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