> and AUTOEXEC.BAT now contains:
> lh C:\FDOS\BIN\KEYB.EXE br,850

IIRC I already had suggested to empty it (except CTMOUSE) ;-)

> everything from FreeDOS also works under the MS
> kernel, and Desi-III is equally fast.

IIRC I had already suggested EDR-DOS or (DR-DOS) kernel.

Also the FAT<=16 FreeDOS kernel and minimal LASTDRIVE and minimal buffers.

> On the other hand, you could try whether you can make
> things deliberately slow with FDAPM APMDOS in MS DOS ;-).

Removing it helps or not ?

> Desi-III requires EMS memory.

It requires EMS __AND__ is low memory hoggy, a pity that such a nice
programm is compiled that a crappy way :-(

~~~ wow ~~~

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