Hope evryone is fine here, ok, well ,I have installed freedos ,into its own
particion, and is a primary partition, boots well, and I managed to figure out
on my own,the change I need to make in my autoexec.bat, to get a spanish key
board funcioning good...but I cannot seem to figure out what I need to put in
the config.sys, and or autoexec to get the cd drivers, or to load
himem.exe..then I also would like to have sound..,,..whta do I need to do to
install these devices or drivers?...sorry if I seem to be dummie, in relation
to this stuff..I am...
I noted on the read me texts...they say one should know what they are
doing..and I dont..
I know a little more now then before...but still have along way to go
P.S.. I really like the spfdisk program, this funcions real well..and has been
very useful for me..and it was not hard to understan or figure out,....
ok well anyone can e-mail or post a answer here, ..I hope..
and thanks all of you ...I appreciate the work you are doing to develope this
free dos..
..some time when I can, I would like to make a donation...or howq I can help?
but dont know where I would send it
thanks again
--- On Fri, 11/6/09, freedos-user-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net
<freedos-user-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
Freedos-user mailing list
End of Freedos-user Digest, Vol 322, Issue 2
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