Eric Auer wrote:
 2 - The FreeDOS standard file-structure. While MS-DOS would throw
everything into C:\DOS, FreeDOS uses C:\FDOS\BIN, C:\FDOS\DOC... and some
stuff is further down in C:\FDOS\BIN\CTMOUSE. Where is the manifesto which
helps decide what goes where?
Yes, there is a nice Wiki page and some emails about that ;-)
And of course you can look at existing packages in FDUPDATE.
Oh, okay. But what I don't see there is some decision-making policy about extraneous directories. For example, why does CTMOUSE get its own folder under /FDOS/BIN/? What criteria must a package meet in order to warrant special directories?

Also, same goes for the /FDOS main directory. Looks like there's not a lot there. BIN/, DOC/, SOURCE/, APPINFO, FDAUTO.BAT... are there any rules/guidelines aimed at keeping this very tidy, or can packages just throw random stuff in there?
Has there been discussion about adding some fields like "Category:" or "Provides:"? "Category:" would be useful if a user wants to see all of the installed (or installable) packages for "DISKUTIL" or "COMPRESSION". Likewise, "Provides:" could describe what provides a certain function. For example, I only need *one* EMM. I don't need to install JEMM, EMM386, QEMM386, etc. etc. Just one will do. But, I'd also like to be able to choose from all available. So it would be nice, down the road someday, if the FDPKG or FDUPDATE or some future tool could show me, say, what packages "provide" a EMM, or an ANSI, or zipfile capability, or 89-assembler, or whatever.

- Joe

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