On Sunday 01 November 2009 11:52 (CET), Eric Auer wrote:
> Can you make a list of which packages you still need? 

Okay, I took a dozen of minutes to get such list. Here it is: :-)

These BASE packages are *missing* from the fdupdate repository:
 ASSIGN         1.4     1997-01-27      Steffen Kaiser <Steffen.Kaiser - AT- 
fh-rhein-sieg.de>  GPL
 BACKUP + RESTORE       -       -       -       -
 DISKCOMP       06jun2003       2003-06-06      Steve Nickolas <steve -at- 
dosius.zzn.com>      GPL
 DISPLAY + GRAFTABL + PRINTER.SYS       0.13b   2006-08-06      Aitor 
SANTAMARIA MERINO (aitor.sm_at_gmail.com)         GPL
 FASTHelp Suite         2004    2004-03-04      Robert Platt <worldwiderob -AT- 
yahoo.co.uk>    GPL
 GRAPHICS       2008jul14       2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- 
jpberlin.de>     GPL v2
 HIMEMX         3.32    2008-12-28      Japheth (mail -AT- japheth.de)  GPL 
and/or Artistic license, some Public Domain**
 KC + KEYCODE   2.0     2005-08-05      Aitor SANTAMARIA MERINO 
(aitor.sm_at_gmail.com)         GPL
 KEYB   2.0 final       2006-08-29      Aitor SANTAMARIA MERINO 
(aitor.sm_at_gmail.com)         GPL
 KPDOS - Keyboard Layouts for KEYB v2.0 and newer       2.6     2009-05-28      
hperon -at- terra.com.br (Henrique Peron)       GPL
 UNFORMAT       0.8     1999-03-24      Brian Reifsnyder <breifsnyde -at- 
state.pa.us>  GPL
 VOL    1.0     1998-09-13      John Price      GPL

These BASE packages are *outdated* (therefore need repackaging by freshest 
 CHKDSK         0.9.2   2009-05-14      Imre Leber <imre.leber -AT- telenet.be> 
 CPIDOS - DOS CPI (Code Page Information) Pack  2.3     2009-05-28      
(Henrique Peron) hperon -at- terra.com.br       GPL
 DEBUG  1.14    2009-02-25      Japheth <mail -at- japheth.de>  free / source 
code available (see debug.asm)
 DEFRAG         version 1.3.2   2009-05-15      Imre Leber <imre.leber -AT- 
telenet.be>         GPL2
 DELTREE        1.02f.ea        2008-12-12      -       GPL
 EDLIN  2.11    2009-02-13      Gregory Pietsch <gpietsch -at- 
users.sourceforge.net>   GPL
 FIND   3.0a.ea         2008-12-12      -       GPL 2
 SORT   1.5.1.ea        2008-12-12      -       GPL
 XCOPY (RXCOPY)         1.4a    2009-03-18      Rene Ableidinger 
<rene.ableidinger -at- gmx.at>         GNU GPL 2.0

These BASE packages are *up* *to* *date* (thus no action is required, unless 
you know that a newer version actually does exist):
 APPEND          5.0-0.6         2006-01-23      Eduardo Casino-Almao <casino_e 
-at- terra.es>           GPL
 ATTRIB         2.1     2003-07-01      Brian E. Reifsnyder <breifsnyde -at- 
state.pa.us>       GPL
 CHOICE         4.4     2003-09-20      Tom Ehlert <te -AT- drivesnapshot.de>   
 COMMAND.COM (FreeCom) + VERIFY         0.84pre2        2006-08-28      Blair 
Campbell <blairdude -at- gmail.com> (maintainers)         GPL
 COMP   1.04    2006-10-21      Paul Vojta <vojta -at- math.berkeley.edu>       
free / source code available
 CUTEMOUSE      2.1beta4        2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- 
jpberlin.de>     GPL
 DISKCOPY       beta 0.95       2008-01-05      Imre Leber <imre.leber -AT- 
telenet.be>         GPL
 EDIT   0.9a    2008-09-06      Aitor SANTAMARIA MERINO (aitor.sm_at_gmail.com) 
 EMM386.EXE     2.26    2006-08-25      Michael Devore, Tom Ehlert      
Artistic License
 EXE2BIN        1.5     2006-08-08      ramax -AT- maks.bhg.ru  OpenWatcom 
Public License
 FC     3.03    2005-01-10      Maurizio Spagni <flurmy -AT- freemail.it>       
 FDAPM  2007dec20       2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- jpberlin.de>     
 FDISK  1.3.1   2008-11-25      Brian E. Reifsnyder <breifsnyde -at- 
state.pa.us>       GPL
 FDSHIELD       2006aug31       2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- 
jpberlin.de>     GPL
 FDXMS  0.94.Bananas    2005-05-28      Martin Stroemberg <ams -AT- 
ludd.ltu.se>        GPL
 FDXMS286       0.03.Temperaments       2005-05-28      Martin Stroemberg <ams 
-at- ludd.ltu.se>        GPL
 FORMAT         0.91v (14 Jan 2006)     2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- 
jpberlin.de>     GPL
 GCDROM         2.4     2007-05-07      elvingoh -AT- users.sourceforge.net     
 Help   1.0.6   2009-03-30      W. Spiegl, fritz - dot - mueller - AT - mail 
-dot - com         Express+GNU Free Documentation License
 HIMEM.EXE      3.26    2006-08-25      Michael Devore,Tom Ehlert       
Artistic License
 JEMM386/JEMMex         5.72    2008-12-28      Japheth <mail -at- japheth.de>  
Artistic License
 LABEL  1.4b.ea         2008-12-12      -       GPL
 LBACACHE       2008-04-07      2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- 
jpberlin.de>     GPL2
 MEM    1.11    2006-08-27      Bart Oldeman <bartoldeman -AT- 
users.sourceforge.net>   GPL
 Mirror         0.2     1999-03-24      Brian E. Reifsnyder, <breifsnyde -at- 
state.pa.us>      GPL
 MODE   12may2005       2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- jpberlin.de>     
GPL v2
 MORE   4.3     2007-10-01      Imre <imre.leber -at- telenet.be>       GPL
 MOVE   3.3a    2006-08-30      Diego Rodriguez <dieymir -AT- yahoo.es>         
 NANSI  4.0d (2007may26)        2008-12-14      Eric Auer <e.auer -at- 
jpberlin.de>     GPL
 NLSFUNC.EXE    0.4     2006-08-23      Eduardo Casino-Almao <casino_e -AT- 
terra.es>   GPL
 PRINT  1.02.ea         2008-12-12      -       GPL
 RECOVER        0.1 (BETA)      2004-02-07      Imre Leber <imre.leber -AT- 
telenet.be>         GPL
 REPLACE        1.2     2001-03-25      René Ableidinger <rene.ableidinger -AT- 
gmx.at>         GPL
 SHARE  08/2006         2009-03-17      Michael Devore (FreeDosStuff -AT- 
devoresoftware.com)   GNU GPL
 SHSUCDX        3.04    2006-10-01      Jason Hood <jadoxa -at- yahoo.com.au>   
free / open source
 SWSUBST (SUBST + JOIN)         3.2     2002-11-27      Steffen.Kaiser -AT- 
fh-rhein-sieg.de    GPL
 TREE   3.7.2   2002-09-03      Kenneth J. Davis <jeremyd -AT- computer.org>    

These BASE packages are *newer* on fdupdate than on freedos.org (therefore it 
would be nice to update the listing on freedos.org...):
OK+ COUNTRY.SYS         2007    2009-03-17      Eduardo Casino <casino_e -at- 
terra.es>         GPL
OK+ UNDELETE    2004-01-19      2004-01-19      looking for a new maintainer    

That's all!
So, we still need to repackage 21 packages to get the minimal BASE 
functionality. When that would be done, it would be nice to have FDPKG patched 
to support "new style" FD packages (that is source+bin in one file). Then, I 
could hopefully release my latest FDUPDATE package, which I prepared for 
FreeDOS v1.1 few months ago... Then, we would need an installer (maybe the one 
from v1.0 would do the job, dunno). And finally, we could push out FreeDOS 
v1.1. :-)

Best regards,
Mateusz Viste
You'll find my public OpenPGP key at http://www.viste-family.net/mateusz/pub_key

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