>> ... neither as any sort of insulting "joke", nor otherwise!
> You found that joke insulting?   If that's the case, I'm sorry.
> It wasn't meant as attack, neither against you nor your software
> nor anyone at all.

You and I had many LONG discussions about RDISK when I first released
it.   After all that, for you even to "joke" that I would use GARBAGE
like "phantom" disks or "redirector" I-O is an insult, as neither are
needed, much-better driver schemes are available, and BOTH you and I
damned-well KNOW this!   Or perhaps deep-down, you think me a moron.

>>> If you meant "DOS read" as reading a single or some sectors from
>>> a block device, this is correct.
>> Fine, Christian, that is EXACTLY what I meant!
> Thank you for clarifying this.

You are welcome -- for something I should NOT have had to say, as again
you and-I-both ALSO know that a "Read-from-file DOS function" (re: your
last post) IS NEVER presented to a driver like RDISK!   Anybody who has
written a "standard" DOS device-driver knows that all they get for I-O
are "read block" or "write block" requests!   I must REALLY be a moron!

>> Thus UIDE is a pure SECTOR handler and "Couldn't care LESS" about
>> any DOS directory structure.
> Our whole point is: Except when the data is initialized, the quoted
> text applies for a RAM disk as well.   I won't go into more details
> regarding file allocation tables, file systems or formatting now
> because it won't be worth my and your time.

Certainly not, since such things are only INITIALIZATION issues for a
RAMdisk and are handled ONLY by the DOS file system, afterward.   Any
reader of the RDISK source can surely figure THAT out, as its runtime
logic is only about 200 bytes of code!

> However there's something we can agree on: to the user, any RAM disk 
> (whether using a block device or redirector approach) is made up of a 
> drive letter possibly containing directories and files.   Naturally,
> this explanation doesn't cover any technical details at all.


>> I wish you "Lots Of Luck" dealing with those who MAY NOT be
>> as forgiving of your "jokes",
> Yes.   I'll try not to tempt you with any more complicated phrasing.

My GAWD, how I just LOVE dealing with CHILDREN, especially those who try
insulting and face-saving CYNICISM about "phrasing", when in fact I have
more years of ENGLISH than they have on this PLANET!!

Christian, you should listen to an IPod-or-whatever copy of the old song
"Loves Me Like A Rock" (about 1980), by our singer Paul Simon --

"When I was grown to be a man, and the Devil would call my name,
I'd say now 'Who do, who do you think you're FOOLING????'"!!!!

Do your "grandstanding", and trying-to-make-a-name-for-yourself on this
forum, at someone ELSE'S expense, NOT mine!!!!


My apoligies to all others on FD-User, but as I have felt for years about
the many "Slept Thru High-School" BRATS in this U.S.A., SOMEBODY needs to
TELL THEM when they are Flat-Ass WRONG, technically OR in their conduct!!

Jack R. Ellis

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