
> Somehow I think you're missing the point here a bit. Your UIDE and
> ramdisk together can use all memory below 4GB quite easily already.

There is an old joke, often shown on the U.S. "Hee Haw" T.V. show of
about 30 years ago:  A man tells his doctor "Doc, it hurts when I do
this" (raises his arm, leg, etc.).   The doctor HITS him on the head
and replies "Well, DON'T DO that"!!

Re: your comments about UIDE/RDISK taking all of 4-GB memory, if you
have some application that needs some of that memory, DON'T LOAD the
drivers, or load them with /S switches that take LESS of XMS memory!
I believe it was you who said recently that "You cannot have it all"
and in this case, I agree -- If your system has one HUGE application
that needs memory, run the application ALONE, without UIDE or RDISK!

> Point is, I'd prefer UIDE and other programs, and possibly a ramdisk, to
> use the memory below 4GB; and a ramdisk driver, be it the same driver or
> not, being able to use/access  RAM above 4GB so first 4GB stays
> available for older/other programs which are limited to this amount.

"Sounds good to me!", and you're free to write such a RAMdisk driver!
If there are no other DOS programs loaded that need/use 64-GB memory,
your driver gets "exclusive" use of that memory and should work fine!

> Your recorder program example as claimed above would be able to pipe
> original source directory tree into ISO into the recorder on the fly. I
> normally use IMGBURN for recording, though ISO generation + virtual
> machine is easier option to test things first, before creating a final
> master on optical disk.
> Let's go with the following assumptions (as valid in modern computer
> sales), and see if I can demonstrate my issue.
> ...
> With lack of UDF driver for DOS ("packet writing") we'd need to have a
> FAT32 storage location with at least 4GB capacity, so the file (disk
> image) that we want to burn to DVD, can be stored. Didn't even mention
> ISO (see assumption 5), which would double the needed filesize :)

Your item 6 is a problem, for me.   There are now 1.5 and 2-TERABYTE disks
available, thus not being able to alter the hard-disk, i.e. it is FULL and
cannot hold another 4-GB file, is unacceptable.   If really a possibility,
buy yourself ANOTHER 2-TB hard-disk!   Should be cheaper than trying to do
"special RAMdisk" or "64-GB XMS" drivers, merely for one application!

> I know of no other freely usable/distributable DOS optical disk writing
> software other than CDRECORD and CDRKIT, both stuck on ASPI/SCSI (as is
> your DeepBurner program I bet, using SPTI likely).

As above, you just MIGHT need to write a new program or RAMdisk driver by
yourself, to handle all this!   We all know DOS is NOT supported too much
any more, and "special things" just MIGHT require some "special efforts"!

> Maybe there does exist a specialised DOS program which does what you do
> in Windows: source --> <pipe> --> ISO --> <pipe> --> disk (Norton Ghost
> perhaps?).   Maybe only Linux based software is suitable (Parted Image  
> etc).

Linux (still a "toy" system to me) is "not my department", and I admit
that I use DOS only to backup and restore Win/NT, whose "Opera" allows
me Internet access -- poor "Arachne" will not run for me, and I REFUSE
to use anything labeled "I.E." and suffer Gates & Co. SECURITY "bugs"!
Thus I cannot comment on the availability of DOS applications, since I
use very few of them.

> Still, I'd like to be able to use DOS, and record/modify optical discs
> from this environment. Maybe soon enough ReactOS ( will
> be a light-enough Windows-replacing environment and work with your
> streaming recorder program.

Why don't you just run DeepBurner under Win/XT or whatever current Gates
& Co. Windows variant you prefer.    Remember, "You cannot have it all",
and there just MIGHT be a few applications which can be implemented more
quickly without DOS, using ["Horror of HORRORS"!] a variant of Windows!

> Thanks for the interesting discussion at the very least :)

You are most welcome! ;)

Jack R. Ellis

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