Hi mc510/hotmail,

> Hi, FreeDOS noob here.  Grub boots FreeDOS, which puts me in my win98
> partition.  FreeDOS is installed in a different partition, but when FreeDOS
> is running I have no access to the partition from which FreeDOS booted. 
> Help?
> FreeDOS was installed from fdbasecd.iso installer.
> Grub was installed by debian installer and boots FreeDOS with:
>   root (hd0,1)
>   savedefault
>   makeactive
>   chainloader +1
> On boot, FreeDOS says:
>   C: HD1, Pri[1], CHS=0-1-1, start=0MB, size=2098
> Partitions are:
>   1:  FAT32 (Win98) - this is where FreeDOS puts my command prompt
>   2:  Linux swap
>   3:  Linux (debian root)
>   4:  FAT16 (FreeDOS)

As FreeDOS brings you to the FAT32 partition, you seem to
use a FAT32 aware kernel. That will also support FAT16,
and unless your geometry is bad (in which case you should
at least get a warning at FreeDOS) boot it should have no
problem to access your FAT16 partition. FreeDOS also does
support LBA, so a problem with "8 GB limit" is also not
likely. What probably IS the cause of your problem is the
GRUB configuration that you use. Maybe some of your GRUB
boot menu items involve hiding / unhiding partitions?

Then, if Windows is not scared by seeing your FreeDOS
FAT16 partition, you can simply make sure that no hiding
of partitions takes place, or at least all partitions
are un-hidden when you select the FreeDOS menu item :-)


PS: You can check things with Linux fdisk, parted or
MAYBE DOS xfdisk / spfdisk. I would recommend NOT to
use normal DOS fdisk to edit partitions as that will
have unwanted side effects as zapped FAT boot sectors.

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