On Sun, 2009-04-12 at 20:13 -0500, Jim Hall wrote:
> > If you own a computer that had MS-DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1
> > on it at one point, but your install media are fried, try
> > this abandonware site.
> >
> > http://vetusware.com
> >
> > I worry about the legality of downloading from this site, but
> > technically the software they are allowing people to download
> > is unsupported and abandoned.
> >
> Please do not post links to warez sites or abandonware sites on the
> FreeDOS lists. I know you shared the link with the best of intentions,
> but I want to avoid confusing the goal of FreeDOS (creating a free,
> open source version of DOS that anyone can use) with that of warez
> (free [as in cost] illegal file sharing.)
> -jh


I did mention that it's a warez site.  There is an interesting
problem raised with old software.  If someone lets me download
a proprietary program that I have install disks for which don't 
work, that isn't illegal.  That said, I'd choose a comparable 
free alternative over a warez copy any day.  Sadly, there isn't
an OSS alternative that is comparable to WP 6.0 dos yet that I 
know of.  Technically, if the author of a proprietary program
doesn't care about it anymore, sharing it isn't a legal problem.
After all, someone has to come after you in which case you
could offer to pay a reasonable price to continue using the 
program or give it up.

I've downloaded Ms-Dos 6.22 and Windows 3.1 from that Warez 
site as well as Windows 95 pre registered.  I have a 95 
upgrade that doesn't work without 3.1 on the shelf, an old 
packard bell cd that I used to be able to get MS-DOS 6.22 
off of and my dad had a fried disk set for upgrading to 
dos 6.22, and yes there's a copy of Woof woof, actually 2, 
around.  The second copy has failed.  I downloaded Warcraft 
I which I've never purchased a copy of, but I don't think 
Blizzard cares and if they do I'd be more than happy to 
either a) pay for it or b) delete it.

All this said, I hope the freedos project eventually replaces
all of the dos based versions of Microsoft Windows so that
noone has to worry about being questioned about copy 
infringement.  IMO, Microsoft should not have a copyright
on software it has abandoned that it doesn't support anymore,
but it just doesn't work that way.  Sadly, the ReactOS
project will only replace NT Windows and only for PIII and
newer computers.  Those of us who are using freedos because
we are say on a 486 or older machine are simply out of luck.

Ideally, freedos has an OSS alternative for everything.  
It doesn't yet.  There isn't a gui for freedos that's 
free which can do Windows style networking similar to 
what you'd expect in Windows 95 for example.  
Wordperfect 6.0 dos as far as I know is more advanced 
than any free alternative.  This problem goes further.  
One of the points of freedos after all is having a free 
and better dos to run old proprietary dos programs.  I 
never owned foxpro for example and I'll bet that 
turbovision which has been suggested for a new installer 
for freedos is proprietary.

If an old software program that the author doesn't 
care about is a dos program and there are no free 
alternatives that are comparable, downloading it 
is ethical.  It is especially ethical if you have 
fried installation media sitting on the shelf for 

Warez sites get a bad rap, but what about Microsoft 
for abandoning popular software just to make money 
and not open sourcing it?  I bet people will be 
handing out XP when it can't be bought anymore along 
with software to defeat the activation barrier.  If 
there hadn't been a lot of illegal copying of dos 
programs, I bet dos wouldn't have been as popular 
as it was.

Jim Hall, you are coming down awfully hard
on me for mentioning Vetusware and I think 
you should step back and think long and 
hard about that.  I appropriately mentioned
that there might be a legal problem.  
Microsoft could shut the site down if it 
wanted to.  I'm not a thief.  The software
they offer on that site isn't making anyone
any money anymore.

Do you really want to send the message
to people that freedos is not to be used
to run commercial software?

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